Wednesday, 22 October 2008

My Final Advert

My advert is aimed at a young male audience of about 15-25. i used the idea of skateboarding to create the 'cool' image that skateboarding is given. I had a variety of shots taken of me doing all different things and this was chosen to be the best. I'm doing a trick high up and that is what gave me the idea for the name gravity, like you are in control of gravity.

I think this ad could be one of the first cosmetics adverts to feature in skateboarding mags such as 'Sidewalk' and 'Thrasher'. This could be a hit and would have no competitions from other cosmetic products because there are none or very view in this range of market. It could also be in general men's magazines such as 'TopGear'

The Original photo - This shot was taken with space of the sky left to advertise the bottle with the name and what it looks like. Taken at Hethersett Skatepark of a 'Kickflip'. This trick always looks a good captured as a still image because the photo can be captured as the board is spinning. Immediately i thought the colours were already good with the nice different blues of the sky which helped me blend in the title and bottle well.

This is the original bottle where i go the main part of the bottle from. When i put this into my picture i had to erase all around the background very carefully on a full zoom making sure i didn't miss any bits. I then started looking for different tops to the bottle because i wanted a spray top like most aftershave bottles have. Once i found one i placed it on top and asked people weather they preferred it high up on the bottle like it is in this picture. or take away the neck and just have it on the base. Many people preferred it down so i decided to go with that. I then decided to add the same font to the bottle in black so it would stand out.

Finished Piece - I added the title and bottle to the photo. I found the picture of a blue bottle on someones 'flickr' account but it wasn't a aftershave bottle that had a background which I erased on photoshop. this left me with just the bottle. The bottle had a strange lid which I got rid of on photoshop and after I found a lid with a press and spray top, which is featured on most aftershave and perfume products. I added it to the top of the bottle. I blended the two together by using the sponge tool and rubbing out the top layer around it. I then tried different heights of the lid and other little details just to try an improve it in anyway.

I chose the font 'Courier (T1)' because I thought it's simple and easy to read. it features on both the bottle and the main title. The edges around the font slowly fade which creates a nice effect which is similar to the clouds as there are some clouds in the sky. I played around on photoshop with the brightness and saturation tools and changed them slightly until I found the perfect mix. I made higher up in the picture, the sky, slightly brighter and the lower area of he floor slightly darker to show that there is no limit in the sky. It's a better place.


mw said...

Jacob - looking for your research into film audiences and also your findings into thriller audiences. Please make sure you post this week.

In the meantime think the advertisement really works. I like the simple caption and choice of font - almost as clouds - which blend into the dusky atmosphere of setting and the lone skateboarder. Very moody and focused representation of boarder. The name of perfume gives 'gravitas' to the activity - makes 'for men' (not teenager) seem reasonable. Simple presentation of perfume.

AT said...


This is a successful advert with a careful consideration of target audience and advert placement - I particularly like the comments on the composition of the shot as well.

Next time, I wold recommend that you have a quick re-read over of your work to ensure that you are keeping your grammar and spelling correct. You also start to consider some of the representational issues - I wonder if you could analyse these further next time.

Miss Trethewey