Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Still Shots Angles

Still Shot Angles

Extra Long Shot

This is a extra long shot of me outside CNS (My school)

Extra Long Shots are used to give a viewer a perspective of where
the person is. This is important for showing the viewer new locations.

Worms Eye or Low Angle

This is an worms eye shot, also known a low angle shot of Jonathan. The photo looks like he is almighty and above everything and stands tall. The trees are shaped around him.

This shot is usually used to make a character look in control and powerful.

Over The Shoulder

Over the shoulder shots can be used to show what the person is seeing, similar to a point of view shot. It's main use however is for conversation. This makes you feel more involved in the conversation.

Medium Shot

The MediumShot is most commonly used shot in films. Every shot that isn't a long shot or close up is a medim shot.
They are close shots thast have roughly half the body in the shot. With this shot you can then see the person and also what is behind on.

Close up

Close ups are used to show detailed reactions on peoples faces, create claustrophobic spaces or focus on a specific object. such as the cup in this shot. :D

1 comment:

AT said...

...hang on... I recognise that cup! Jake, you have some interesting explanations here of the effects that these shots have on the audience. Which type of shot have you decided on for your advert and why?