Thursday, 9 October 2008

Advert Ideas

My advert for 'Cherryade' - for practice

I thought I would use a 'cool' image of a skateboarder. That many people aspire to and want to be. The colours are good in the way that only the cherryade bottle and parts of the face are in colour which makes the bottle stand out more. It is also signs of re freshness. A sport such as skateboarding is tiring work and fluids are being regained. 'Revitalise'

'Aid That Thirst' is a play on words (Aid - Ade)

Another Idea was to have a soft focus of the bottle in the foreground and have a blurred background of a skater going past, having that 'Cool' image again.

The focus on the bottle emphasises what the advert is about and creates attention to it.

Similarly to this shot.
This is just the photography and i would get rid of the 'Tesco' logo and maybe edit the colours and brightness of the picture.

1 comment:

AT said...


I particularly like the first advert - it's good to see that your skills on photoshop are developing, as the red bottle really grabs the audience's attention.

Perhaps in your final advert, you could develop your consideration of how the product will link to the target audience's aspirations. I imagine creating a cosmetics product for a skateboarding culture would be a very interesting challenge....