Bates is obssessed with birds and there are many stuffed brids and pictures of birds all around. The significants is that Marions surname is crane, which is also a birds name. This connotes that marion will suffer as the birds have. Adding more tension to the scene
The reference to ironic references to stuffed birds in Bate's sitting room is linked to Marion's name thus connoting she will suffer the same fate as the stuffed creatures that adorn Bate's space.
Be careful how you take notes.
Reflecting basic understanding.
Ms Barton
To continue,
You have done minimal research into thriller films. This will seriously diminsh your chances of achieving anything beyond Low Level 2 (E grade) for this aspect of coursework.
Ms Barton
You must post your mock essay onto your blog, with assessment sheet.
Last call for posting your mock examination onto your blog. Without it, and notes you have taken in class your marks will suffer. You could fail this aspect of the coursework which would be a shame as you've put quite a lot of effort into the construction of your film.
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