1.What do you like best about the thriller genre?
- The tension
- Scariness
- The shock and unexpected events
- The suspense
2.What is your favourite thriller?
Just a selection of my answers
- Reservoir Dogs
- United 93
- Phone Booth
- The Godfather
- The Matrix
- Kill Bill
- Sin City
3. What weapons do you associate with thrillers?
- Knife
- Gun
- Light Saber
- Sword
We have decided not to use a weapon in our thriller because it would be hard to make it look realistic and also not to have a 'cliche' ending.
4. What is your favourite thriller sub-genre (showing them the list)
Coming up most often were:
- Techno-Thriller - using lots of technology
- Crime-Thriller - crime based - e.g robbery
- Action-Thriller - e.g James Bond
- Supernatural-Thriller - e.g Spiderman
- Mystery Thriller - e.g The Third Man, The Entity
A lot of people said they like the idea of a mystery thriller. People liked to try and work out what was going on and be amazed by the strange plot lines. Many people like how the mystery is scary. This has influenced my choice to make mystery thriller.
What was the last thriller you saw ?- Quantum of Solace
- Vantage point
- Inside Man
- Phone Booth
- The Third Man
When was the last time you saw a thriller film?
I gave them an 5 options
In the last week
In the last month
In the last 3 months
In the last year
Film Audience Questionnaire

I gave 13 people this questionnaire to influence my choices in our thriller production. This questionnaire included 4 questions.
What films have you seen over the summer ?
Where did you see these films ? Cinema, Tv, Internet, Other
How did you out about these films? Tv, Internet, Poster/Magazines, Other
Do you know if the film was . . English, American, Other, Don't know ?
I had a variety of films such as :
Atonement, Lord of the Rings, Mama Mia, Harry Potter, Step Brothers, Bad Boys 2 Disaster Movie, 300, Vantage Point, Phone Booth, Bourne Ultimatum and Phone Booth
8 of these had been viewed in a Cinema
1 on the Internet
and 4 on Tv
When i asked people why they preferred cinema they said that it was better viewing because of the surround sound, large screen and many said that it made it more scary.
When i asked people where they found out about the film
7 people found out about them on the TV
2 people found out on the Internet
5 found out on through posters or magazines
1 person found out through the word of mouth
The final question was a test to see if they knew what nationality the film was
2 people said they didn't have any idea what it could be
9 of the 11 left all answered correctly
But two were wrong
'Jack Mccurley' thought that 'Batman Legends' was a English film.
I found that main place for watching films over this summer was cinemas. I expected this result as cinemas are great to watch films as they have comfy seats, large screens and surround sound.
Jake - I'm glad to see youhave something posted on audiences. IT is a little difficult to read what you have posted because it so spaced out. Can you have look at the presentation of questionnaire and answers. It would improve this piece of work if you wrote a reflection on your findings.
I would like to see your initial research posted by the end of the week. Thank you MW
Relecting basic understanding. Methodogoly lacks detail whilst evaluation of data is simplistic and doesn't reflect confident understanding of media terminology.
Profile of target audience not identified.
Level 2: 9/20
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