Verisimilitude = The appearance of being true, this can be the characters, props, settings, camera shot or clothes. Like for example in 'Eastenders' opening shot to an episode. In a kitchen with children in uniform ready to go to school, making a mess. Its not a perfectly tidy house with perfect children. it's reality and this is good use of verisimilitude stressful time for many parents in the morning with children. Reality which happens in real life.
There are many different types of TV drama such as :
- Crime
- Hospital
- Soap
- Teen
- Period
- Sci-Fi
Period Drama

Sci Fi Drama

Examples- Spooks
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Criminal Justice
- Wallander
I'm impressed to see you using your blog in the journal style as I suggested. Keeping on top of the subject matter this way will prove an excellent revision tool in time for the exams.
Well done.
I'd also like to see your preliminary task on here as well please, along with a commentary!
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